Similarity measurements between spectral textures

31/05/2024 – 01/06/2024 all-day

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Laboratoire/Entreprise : ImViA – Dijon
Durée : 36 mois
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Date limite de publication : 2024-05-31

Contexte :
Image and Vision Computing (ImViA) is a university of Burgundy laboratory, France ( its thematic is Imaging and Artificial Vision. The lab is structured into two teams with complementary activities. The thesis will be carried out within the CoReS (COmputer vision for REal time Systems) team in Dijon. This group is composed of researchers working in the field of vision, embedded electronics, signal and image processing for the joint development of imaging systems and associated methods. Particular emphasis is put on the design of unconventional and multimodal vision systems, on the consideration of strong constraints on processing times and on the use of machine learning techniques in specific contexts (e.g. embedded targets, little data or explainable AI).
The application domains are numerous, such as heritage, health or quality control, and include quality control of manufactured products, biomedical engineering and human monitoring.

Sujet :
This PhD thesis focuses on spectral imaging (color, multi- and hyper-spectral). We are interested in the study of the texture of this type of image and its link with human perception [Cha19]. At present, texture processing and analysis is mainly carried out in grayscale. We want to work jointly on texture combined to spectral dimension.
Texture feature extraction is divided into four main categories. The transform features are based on the Fourier transform and its derivatives [Cog85]. The structural features rely on textons (the pattern that defines the texture). It is the family of the Local Binary Pattern ([Oja94]). The model-based features assume a model for the texture such as fractals [Pen84] or Markov random fields [Cro83]. The last category is based on statistical features with the analysis of probabilistic characteristics linked to texture [Har73].
The aim of this thesis is to propose a distance measure between multivalued textures. To achieve this, spectral texture features will have to be developed that combine both image’s spectral and spatial dimensions [Chu21]. We will consider the spectral texture as a joint probability between the spectral and the spatial distributions of the spectra responses. To measure the distance between features, we need to consider the nature of the data. Depending on which category of features you are in, one should not use any distance measure. The Minkowski distance should be used for orthogonal data, while finite state distance (Hamming distance) is adapted to finite state data (usually binary). When dealing with statistical features, the use of probabilistic measured is needed [Ric16]. Nowadays, metric learning is used a lot [Kay19]. Several measures of distance between texture features will be proposed. A validation process will have to be defined. These measures will need to be validated according to the application.
In particular, this work will be applied to endoscopy images in order to offer physicians a richer perception of mucosal structure [Kre19]. The research team has an extensive background in medical endoscopy image analysis. Thanks to its collaborations, it has access to spectral videos, particularly in relation to inflammatory diseases of the digestive system. The inflammatory process induces various tissue modifications that can be investigated by several existing techniques during digestive endoscopy. Dye-free digital chromoendoscopy, or virtual chromoendoscopy, is based on the illumination of the mucosa with a specific light to recognize changes in mucosal structure. The very recent emergence on the market of endoscopic systems for highlighting textural features demonstrates the interest of such features in addition to spectral and shape one [Sat21], [Sug22]. In the context of the PhD, we will work on the interpretability of multivalued textures to characterize inflammatory lesions in relation to the physician’s perception.
As well as texture features, a key element we would like to develop is the uncertainty associated to feature extraction. Indeed, the uncertainties due to acquisition are not the focus of this work. Yet, those coming from the computation side can be extracted and must be calculated to add value to the result presented to the physician. To estimate them, the model error will be measured such as a distance between the approached probability and the true one.

Profil du candidat :
Master in imaging, computer vision or mathematics

Formation et compétences requises :
– Image
– Python, C++, MATLAB

– Enthusiasm for research
– Fluency in English (written, spoken)
– Teamwork and autonomy

Adresse d’emploi :
Laboratoire ImViA
Université de Bourgogne

Document attaché : 202405061450_Sujet_These Marzani Chatoux 2024.pdf