IX Workshop on Symbolic Data Analysis – SDA 2023

02/11/2023 – 04/11/2023 all-day

Date : 2023-11-02 => 2023-11-04
Lieu : CNAM, Paris

Symbolic Data Analysis is an approach allowing to represent and analyse data with intrinsic variability, e.g. resulting from the aggregation of microdata. New types of variables make it possible to directly consider the variability associated with each unit, in the form of sets, intervals or distributions. Symbolic Data Analysis is suited to the study of large databases, making it possible to aggregate information at the desired level of granularity and providing methods for their analysis.

The 9rd Workshop on Symbolic Data Analysis (SDA 2023) will be held at CNAM in Paris, France, from November 2nd to 4th, 2023. The SDA 2023 workshop follows the spirit of the previous editions, and aims at being a forum where the symbolic data analysis community comes together to share research results and experiences.
This workshop invites oral presentations that contain recent developments, from a theoretical or methodological point of view, practical applications and new software tools.

The SDA workshops pursue to open the way to future cooperation between participants. Members from research teams and PhD students who recently became interested in the domain are especially encouraged to participate and share their experiences.

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