Date : 2023-08-08
Lieu : Lisbon, Portugal
First Workshop on Conceptual design for Internet of Robotic Things (CD4IoRT)
To be held in conjunction with ER 2023 (
November 6-9 2023
Lisbon, Portugal
!!!!Selected regular papers will be invited to submit an extended version to the special session of Software and Systems Modeling Journal
The objective of the First Workshop on Conceptual Desing for Internet of Robotic Things (CD4IoRT) is to foster the use of conceptual design in the Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT) domain. Thanks to the advantages brought into everyday human life, IoRT systems have emerged as key technologies with a wide range of applications, in many application domains, e.g., agriculture, manufacturing, industry, domotics, and health. However, the implementation and management of these systems require a broad set of skills. This knowledge gap can be closed by novel conceptual modeling and engineering approaches specific to these software systems. The workshop aims to be a point of contact for practitioners and researchers from Conceptual Modeling with other communities such as Software Engineering, Databases, Business Process Management, Distributed Systems, Formal Methods, and Information Systems where creating a dialogue centered on the development of scientific foundations in this topic. The workshop will foster the discussion of research works case studies, experiences, and industry showcases in order to set up joint activities and future research directions.
We seek contributions covering all aspects of data modeling for IoRT data applications including, but not limited to, the following topics:
Conceptual modeling and languages for IoRT data
Model-driven engineering for IoRT systems
Low code methods for IoRT systems
Integration and querying IoRT data
Requirement engineering for IoRT systems
IoRT and Artificial Intelligence
Edge-Fog-Cloud architectures design
Data and QoS modeling
Real-time, NoSQL databases
Data stream management systems design
Embedded systems design
Real-life (Urban, agriculture, health, …) applications
Submissions should present original works not currently under review or published elsewhere.
This workshop accepts research and industrial papers:
Regular: 10 pages max.
Short: 6 pages max (Demostration, Vision, and Showcase papers)
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be submitted for inclusion.
Papers should be submitted in PDF format using the EasyChair online submission system ( Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their papers.
Abstract Submission: 02 August 2023
Acceptance Notification: 04 September 2023
Camera-Ready Papers: 20 September 2023
Sandro Bimonte, INRAE, France
Lorenzo Rossi, University of Camerino, Italy
The workshop papers will be published by Springer in LNCS series.
The authors of selected workshop regular papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their contributions to the special session “Model-based Engineering for Internet of Robotic Things Applications” of the Springer’s Software and Systems Modeling Journal
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