Advanced course on Deep Learning and Geophysical Dynamics

13/09/2021 – 15/10/2021 all-day

Date : 2021-09-13 => 2021-10-15
Lieu : Brest

We will organize the first edition of the Advanced Course on Deep Learning and Geophsyical Dynamics next November. This course is co-organized by AI Chairs OceaniX ( and AI4Child. It is also part of the training activities supported by LEFE/Manu on AI and Ocean-Atmosphere Science along with the introductory doctoral course on Data Science for Geoscience.

The course will be held on Tuesdays from November 9 to December 7. It will cover both theoretical and practical aspects regarding deep learning models and schemes and their exploitation for the identification, simulation, forecasting and reconstruction of geophysical dynamics. The course is primarily aimed at PhD students and early-career scientists, but other professionals willing to participate are most welcome. The pre-requisites include some basic knowledge in machine learning or applied statistics and Python programming. The preferred communication language during thee course will be English.

The course will be held in-person on Brest campus, but the organisation of the course will also make possible remote participations. See the following link for more information on the organization and the program of the course:

The registration is open until September 27 through the folllowing link:
Visiting scholarships could be granted to scholars interested in attending to the course jointly to a visiting period in OceaniX group. Please let us know your research interests through the registration form.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information (

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