Biophysique: Mesure et modélisation en biologie

18/10/2015 – 23/10/2015 all-day

Annonce en lien avec l’Action/le Réseau : à l’initiative de la SFB et de la SFµ

Thème :

biophysique, traitement de données

Présentation :

Recent progress in instruments used in modern biology (microscopies, spectroscopies, …), have deeply impacted our vision of life. Current instruments enable the observation of complex systems in larger time and space scales. These observations generate very large datasets, whose analysis involves new algorithms and modelling approaches. In this context, elaborating novel models and hypothesis to explain fundamental biological mechanisms requires to reconsider our current way to design experimental setups, including most recent sampling schemes or efficient noise reduction procedures.

The objective of the school is to provide attendants with tools on multimodal and multi-scale data acquisition, quantification, analysis, and modelling, to elaborate novel approaches describing living systems. To this purpose, the school will gather researchers and teachers from different fields (measurements in biophysics, signal analysis and quantification and modeling of biological systems). The school will include introductory courses on spectroscopies and image acquisition methods together with conventional processing methods. They will be followed by advanced courses on recent data processing methods, such as compressed sensing, and the illustration of their applications in different fields such as mass-spectrometry, NMR or fluorescence imaging.

Du : 2015-10-18

Au : 2015-10-23

Lieu : Ecole de physique des Houches – Les Houches

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