Representation Learning for Geographic Spatio-Temporal Generalisation

31/03/2023 – 01/04/2023 all-day

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Laboratoire/Entreprise : ICube – Université de Strasbourg
Durée : 3 ans
Contact :
Date limite de publication : 2023-03-31

Contexte :
L’équipe SDC du laboratoire ICube (Université de Strasbourg) en collaboration avec le CNES propose un contrat doctoral sur l’apprentissage de représentation enanalyse de séries temporelles d’images de télédétection.

La date limite de candidature est fixée au 16 mars et doit se faire via le site du CNES (lien donné ci-dessus).

Si vous êtes intéressé, veuillez prendre contact avec nous le plus rapidement possible en envoyant un mail (joindre votre CV, lettre de motivation et relevés de notes, avec si possible vos classements en L3, M1 et éventuellement M2, … ) à et

Sujet :
Titre du thèse : Representation Learning for Geographic Spatio-Temporal Generalisation

Description du sujet : Time-series are becoming prevalent in many fields, particularly when monitoring environmental changes of the Earth’s surface in the long term (climate change, urbanisation, etc), medium term (annual crop cycle, etc) or short term (earthquakes, floods, etc). With the current and future satellite constellations satellite image time-series (SITS) expand remote sensing’s impact. The project’s goal is to develop domain invariant representations using deep learning for SITS analysis. Such methods will enable geographic generalisation, which consists of reusing information from the analysis of one geographic area to analyse others by using, or not, the same sensors, as proposed in [5]. Current approaches work for single images because they generally originate from the computer vision community. The internship will start the evaluation of the state-of-the-art and to implement and extend approaches already developed in ICube [5,6]. Current work on domain adaptation (DA) for time-series uses either weak supervision [1] or attention-based mechanisms [2,3] for classification or focus on the related problem of time-series forecasting [4]. However, none of these approaches tackle the problem of learning DIRs that can be applied to several geographical locations simultaneously. The work has two benefits: on the one hand, to reduce the burden of ground truth collection when sensors of different characteristics are used; and on the other to exploit the information contained in each data modality to learn representations that are more robust and general, i.e. to detect crops, land cover evolution, etc in different countries that exhibit different characteristics. Your contributions will be part of the global work of the SDC researchers and will be validated through the partnership with CNES and potential collaboration with Tour du Valat. SDC’s aim is to propose and implement new generic methods and tools to exploit large sets of reference data from one domain/modality (sufficient to train an accurate detector) to train a multi-modal/domain detector that can be applied to imagery taken from another sensor for which there exists no reference data. As such, the work tackles key problems in many machine learning & computer vision applications.

Profil du candidat :
Master en Informatique ou équivalent.

Formation et compétences requises :
Compétences fortes en machine learning et analyse d’images. Une expérience en apprentissage profond est un plus indéniable.

Adresse d’emploi :
Université de Strasbourg