Séminaire de Lori Mann Bruce “Hyperspectral Image Analysis with Applications of UAVs for Precision Agriculture”

29/08/2017 – 30/08/2017 all-day

Annonce en lien avec l’Action/le Réseau : ImHyp / Formation

Thème :

Hyperspectral Image Analysis with Applications of UAVs for Precision Agriculture

Présentation :

Lori Mann Bruce, Professeur à la Mississippi State University, Distinguished Lecturer de IEEE GRSS donnera une séminaire le Mardi 29 Aout 2017 à 14h30 à l’Amphi Prunet de l’ENSAT, Toulouse (pour s’y rendre: http://www.ensat.fr/fr/contacts.html).

Elle parlera de “Hyperspectral Image Analysis with Applications of UAVs for Precision Agriculture”. Le résumé de sa présentation est le suivant.

Hyperspectral sensors inherently acquire high dimensional optical data resulting from fine spectral sampling. In recent years, smaller, lighter, and more affordable hyperspectral sensors have been developed, allowing them to be utilized on a variety of platforms, including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs or drones). As a result, hyperspectral data are now more often high dimensional not only spectrally, but also spatially and temporally. This seminar will provide a broad overview of techniques commonly employed for analysis of high dimensional data (such as linear transform-based approaches and data partitioning methods) as well as more specialized techniques designed for hyperspectral imagery (spectral band grouping, multi-classifier and decision fusion, and game theory approaches). The seminar will also include examples of applying such methods to hyperspectral imagery for precision agriculture applications, including vegetative species mapping and vegetative stress characterization. Practical details will also be provided regarding the field campaigns and UAV image collection for these studies.

Du : 2017-08-29

Au : 2017-08-29

Lieu : Amphi Prunet de l’ENSAT, Toulouse

Site Web : http://www.grss-ieee.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Lori_Mann_Bruce_5oct16.pdf