Date : 2024-07-22 => 2024-07-26
Lieu : Saint-Étienne
*Call for Participation 2024 Summer School on AI Technologies for Trust, Interoperability, Autonomy and Resilience in Industry 4.0*
We invite PhD students, academics, and researcher staff from academia and industry to apply to the Summer School on AI Technologies for Trust, Interoperability, Autonomy and Resilience in Industry 4.0 (henceforth AI4Industry).
The summer school aims to teach the state of the art of the use of AI technologies and models to tackle the challenges of data revolution and to increase automation of cognitive tasks to develop a trustful and resilient Industry 4.0 (or Industry of the Future). The summer school is organized around concrete industry problems structured as use cases. These use cases aim to stimulate the discussion at the academic institutions toward addressing real-world problems and to showcase innovative solutions to industrial partners.
During the summer school, participants attend lectures of AI technologies and carry out practical exercises dedicated to applying these technologies to solve concrete industry problems. The summer school addresses various aspects of AI in Industry with a particular emphasis on:
* Web of Things
* Knowledge Graphs
* Multi-Agent Systems
* Trustworthy and Responsible AI
Half of the summer school is dedicated to practical work (through a hackathon) while the other half is meant to introduce the theoretical foundations underlying the hackathon’s framework.
The AI4Industry Summer School series website
*Important Dates*
* *Application on a rolling basis*: until June 15, 2024
* *Notification*: 2 weeks after application submission
* *Summer School*: July 22-26, 2024
*Contact *
Notre site web :
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