Workshop on Security Monitoring

15/03/2022 – 16/03/2022 all-day

Date : 2022-03-15 => 2022-03-16
Lieu : Rennes

March 15-16, 2022, Rennes, France



We are pleased to announce the first Workshop on Security Monitoring which will take place in Rennes (France), March 15-16, 2022.

This Workshop is organized as part of the SUPSEC thematic semester funded by the French DGA and managed by Inria for the different partners.

Preliminary program

March 15
10:00 Welcome session
10:30 Presentation of the semester, Ludovic Mé (Inria) and David Lubicz (DGA)
11:15 A primer on the topic, Hervé Debar (Télécom SudParis)

12:15 Lunch/Demos

13:30 Security monitoring session (1)
13:30 Thomas Burnouf (EDF)
14:15 Baptiste Chevreau (Orange)
15:00 Fabien Pouget (Thales)
15:45 Nicolas Prigent (CALID)
16:30 – 17:00 Coffee break & demos

March 16
09:00 Welcome/Coffee
09:30 – Security monitoring session (2)
09:30 Benjamin Morin (ANSSI)
10:15 Charles Sala (CHU de Lyon)
11:00 TBA (Airbus)

11:45 Lunch/Demos

14:00 Solutions Session
13:00 Georges Bossert (Sekoia)
13:45 Dimitri Tromboff (Thales Punch Plateform)
14:30 Alexandre Nilovic (ElasticSearch)
15:15 – 16:00 TBA (Splunk)

Registration (free but mandatory)

By email to before March the 1rst

Last/Family NAME:

First name:




Arrival date:

Departure date:

Dietary restrictions:

Free comments:

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