Offre de stage – Master 2 : conception de profil utilisateur à partir de traces de navigation

01/04/2016 – 02/04/2016 all-day

Annonce en lien avec l’Action/le Réseau : aucun

Laboratoire/Entreprise : LINA/POLYTECHNANTES
Durée : 6 mois
Contact :
Date limite de publication : 2016-04-01

Contexte :
The Open Class Room website provides online courses in various area, from art and culture to computer science. A course is composed of text, video or ebook that users browse/read/download after a registration process. The validation of a course is carried out thanks to exercises and quizzes.
A validation of a course may result in a certificate if the user chooses a premium registration.

The success of Open Class Room enables the availability of many user profiles with their associated traces on the courses:
• the personal information are provided on the registration process. Each user provides his name, his gender, his skills, his grade, his job and the courses taken;
• the traces contain all the actions carried out by the users on both the client and server sides.

Accesses to each course, parts of a course or a chapter, quiz and exercise are then recorded for each user. The goal of the project is to study the reasons for the failure or the success of the students.
Providing such an answer is of much interest for both the course designers and the managers of the Open Class Room website. The objective of such a study is to improve the design of the courses
and to be capable of anticipating the failure of a student

Sujet :
Le détail du sujet est disponible sur la page “positions>Master Topics” du site de l’équipe Duke:

The objective of the internship is the modelling of user profiles based on their personal information and on the way they browse/learn a course.

Our input data are the personal information of the user and his traces, and the output is a set of user’s profiles. Such a profile will summarize the background, the interests and the learning
methods of a user (or a group of users).

The following research area will be studied to generate the profiles:
• process modelling : a set of user traces on a same course is summarized to emphasized
the main step to learn a course, from the beginning to the validation exercises;
• pattern mining and sequential pattern mining : search for sequence similarities on a specific course, or a set of courses. For instance, a pattern obtained from users with high marks could be pertinent to motivate a good practice;
• user clustering: search for groups of users with similar backgrounds and a similar way to browse/learn the courses. The clustering could be obtained from the two previous points.
Group of users would be defined with a similar process or similar frequent patterns.

Each data mining process can be applied on a subset of users, defined with specific values of the personal user’s information, the skills and grades for example. The objective here will be to
study the correlations between set of users with different properties.

Profil du candidat :
Les seules contraintes concernent la formation et les compétences.

Formation et compétences requises :
Niveau de formation demandé : Master 2

Le candidat doit avoir des compétences dans les domaines suivants:
– Clustering
– pattern mining
– process modelling

Adresse d’emploi :

Document attaché : stagehubble-duke.pdf